Terima kasih kat BLOGGER budu bilis sebab bagi tahu maksud simbol 666 tu . sebab deq pun pernah buat untuk suka-suka bila bergambar ..
Tahukah anda apa maksud disebaliknya?
The Mysterious "666"
Although it's not entirely clear, yet, what the "666" itself means, the Bible does provide many Scriptures relating to the "beast" that the number represents:
- A "new" world economic and military superpower that will represent the final prophesied revival of the ancient "Holy Roman Empire", which has actually existed in Europe for many centuries.
- A Satan-possessed human who will eventually become its absolute ruler, while claiming divine status (Revelation). The "beast" is a term used to describe both this human, and the great political/religious superpower that he will lead (Emperor and The Antichrist).-Antichrist disini bermaksud DAJJAL.
- A great religious leader who will support the beast. He will perform spectacular Satan-powered "miracles" that will deceive a majority of the citizens of every nation on earth into obeying and actuallyworshiping the "beast." ( Emperors and Popes). Because of this worldwide deception, undeceived Christians in even the most strongly-defended countries will not escape persecution because, in most cases, it will not come from foreign invaders, but from fanatically-deceived "Christians" of their own nation. The deceived masses will think that they serving God while they are actually martyring His people.
- The right and ability to buy, sell and work.
- The personal acceptance or refusal of the "mark" of the beast.
inilah contoh All Seeing Eye atau yang lebih tepat Antichrist(DAJJAL) gaya seperti ini banyak kita lihat dalam gambar-gambar atau video-video artis barat seperti contoh utama aku ialahLADY GAGA yang kini lagu-lagunya menjadi kegilaan remaja2
gaya ni bersepah- sepah aku jumpa dlm facebook. bile tengok memang mcm comel, tp LADY GAGA buat ni ada maksud yang tersirat. simbol 6 yang diletakkan di mata adalahSATANIC SIGN.
kebanyakan video-video LADY GAGA menutup sebelah mata. ia melambangkan ANTICHRIST (dibutakan sebelah matanya)
dia seorang ILLUMINATI kepada SYAITAN. menyampaikan mesej melalui LAGU-LAGU
Duit Amerika yang mempunyai lambangANTICHRIST di atas PYRAMID
inilah preview ANTICHRIST di American Dollar
inilah lambang tangan, di antara lambang-lambang mempunyai maksudya yang tersirat. aku selalu tengok penyanyiROCK yang suke sangat wat lambang-lambang cam ni lepas tu kita yang pergi menonton konsert tu pun ikut juga seperti apa yang mereka lakukan.
+ beringat-ingat la ye .. kalau deq salah .. mohon beri teguran ..
freemasonory, akak pun selalu membaca tentang ni... ^_^
Myebarkn kpercayaan dorg mllui cara halus tnpa kita sedari.. uuhu
good sharing. ea penah gak buat gaya ceni waktu bergambar.. seb bek btau..
Nizam tak minat LadyGaga . Ahakkk xP
Nice Sharing
naseblah akak xsuka cmni huhu..kdg2 dorg ni lebih hebat bt kite tpgaruh dr cara halussss..
ouhh patutlahh .. baru tau
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